Wednesday, June 6, 2007

OK...the Client has changed their mind about the Ad

I thought about this last night after I made the below post on the "magic of graphics" and wanted to show you what could be done when the Client has totally changed their mind and wants to go in a different direction with the ad... so here we go. ( you can enlarge the image by clicking on the photo) Remember, this IS NOT AN ACTUAL's only a SAMPLE design!

Let's say, the client really loves the below design, but now wishes to change his target audience from a family look to a couples's what you can do.

Using the same design premises from the picture below, here's what I did:

* Changed the font style with a bit of special effects. This helps pull together the overall tonality of the ad design.

* Introduced a picture graphic (another image I just pulled from surfing the web) of a couple relaxing and enjoying themselves. By adding this picture, the ad now takes on "purpose" and now appeals to the client's target audience. Notice, the main selling point is still Cancun Mexico, but the attraction now calls for a romantic retreat for couples.... that's it!

By the way, remember this is a very basic ad design...yes I could be very elaborate with all the bells and whistles....but sometimes, "less is more!"


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