Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Being Creative with Your Photos

Wow! I know it's been a while since I last posted. However, I have been very busy and now things should be back to normal....anyways, I just wanted to talk about being creative with your photos and taking them to the next level, but not so much "over the top!"

As a photographer and designer, when I see a picture, I always can envision what type of work that I need /or would like to do that particular image. Below is a picture of a beautiful bride...her look says it all! So what I wanted o do is create around the image itself.

In the "Top" picture coming straight out of the camera, you will noticed the image needs to be color adjusted to more accurately represent the true colors and tonal qualities of the subjects in the picture...the "Bottom" image shows the adjustments.

Next, I worked on the star of the show..."the bride" and gave her one of my famous "realistic retouches!" because the bride was already beautiful, I did not have to do much...just a bit of digital foundation, enhanced lipstick, and decreased a couple of minor blemishes... and that was it! Again, as I mentioned before, when doing retouches, they can be done anywhere from moderatley, to extreme....this is on of those moderate cases....the "Bottom" image shows the adjustments.

The next step was to make the bride and the groom the center of attention, so I created a more "depth of field" look to the image as you will notice how the ladies in the back are slightly out of focus which forces the eyes to go directley on the bride and the groom....the "Bottom" image shows the adjustments.

Finally, (I could have stopped there) but I wanted to add to the over all composition of the image, therefore, I created around the image itself....just picture this final composition as an 8x10 or 5x7 inside of nice picture frame...the "Bottom" image shows the adjustments.

And there you have it. Never be afraid of being creative!

Click on the image to view a larger view.


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