Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Something that ONLY I get a kick out of...

As my blog indicates, I am a man of many hats. One of which is also being a professional actor. Well anyway, I was booked for a "photo shoot" myself (tomorrow) for one of the newer upscale single family home communities in St. Mary's County in Maryland. The client contacted the agency and wanted actors/models with certain looks who could pull off their message, which is people having fun and enjoying their living environment at this particular community. From what I was told, the ad will run in print and on the Internet...so that cool (I wish there was a way to shamefully plug my photography business in the ad...lol!).

Here's the part that probably only me and other photographers who are also actors will get a kick out of in such situations... I find it always odd or interesting having someone taking pictures of me doing photo shoots, because usually, I'm always thinking on the other end of the camera. But I get the chance to meet another photographer, which is always cool, steal their .... sorry, I mean, learn different techniques, and most importantly, pass my business card out to the other actors/models who may need headshots.... hehehehehe! Sorry, this is business!...lol!


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